Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Scarlette is 11 months (almost!)

Ok, so I officially suck at blogging, and I have not been keeping up with this blog. But I have exciting updates about our Scarlette Squish-kebob and I would love to share!

Scarlette is now a champion at tummy time! She lifts her head with ease and she is almost doing the push-ups that come before crawling! We are working with her physical therapist and occupational therapist on reaching for toys as she still doesn't have much interest in grasping or grabbing at toys. She is rolling pretty well and sitting up assisted. Her head control is amazing compared to just 3 months ago, but she isn't holding her head 100% by herself yet.

Scarlette's new favorite activity is bouncing in her jumper. We found a support pad that gives her extra trunk support and with it's aid she is able to sit in her jumper and bounce up and down! She LOVES bouncing up and down and plays in her jumper for at least and hour a day. Her legs are amazingly strong, given how hypotonic her trunk is, and as long as we hold her head/hands she can put full weight on her legs and even take a few steps! I think if her trunk muscles were stronger she would be walking by now!

Still babbling and cooing but no words yet! We are hoping soon! Same for teeth! We see buds where her lower two front teeth will be but they aren't ready to poke through just yet!

The biggest news is that in just over 2 weeks Scarlette will be having her cleft palate repaired! This is very exciting as it will be easier for her to eat, drink and speak after the cleft is closed. Her speech therapist is confident that after her surgery we will be able to transition her to a cup instead of a bottle! I can't believe our little miracle baby is almost one, so much has transpired this year! We are so grateful for our insanely happy lil squish!

Love love love,

the Skrove's

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